WriteDocx is a utility package that lets you create .docx files compliant with ECMA-376, for use with Microsoft Office Word and other compatible software. Under the hood, these files are zip files containing a standardized folder structure with XML files and other assets.
WriteDocx contains many Julia types that mirror the types of XML nodes commonly found in docx files, without the user having to write any XML manually.
The types of WriteDocx.jl do not exhaustively cover the vast ECMA-376 spec. Instead, we have implemented the parts most useful to us and will consider extending this set more and more when there's a specific need.
Here's a simple document with two paragraphs, one of which has pink-colored text:
import WriteDocx as W
doc = W.Document(
W.Run([W.Text("Hello world, from WriteDocx.jl")]),
color = W.HexColor("FF00FF"),
W.save("example.docx", doc)
Download example.docx